Jane's Vanity Is Coming for You, San Francisco

Photo courtesy of Jane's Vanity

Photo courtesy of Jane's Vanity

I'm sure there are one-percenters in this world who hire a stylist to curate their lingerie collections. Royals and oligarchs, and those adjacent to royals and oligarchs. But the rest of us? Not so much. Even among those who favor luxury lingerie brands like La Perla, Agent Provacateur, and Eres, shopping typically means traipsing from store to store for the best pieces.

Jane Adams has a better way to connect people with new lingerie.

Adams has been curating collections of limited-production European lingerie for almost 30 years through her Portland-based company, Jane's Vanity.  "We work closely with customers and offer a personalized shopping experience,” Adams explains. “Our best customer service is our collection; clients know that as Jane’s Vanity works with them to build their intimate wardrobe, everything we offer will be beautiful and of the highest quality available."

You can experience that customer service for yourself on Friday, November 3, when Jane's Vanity pops in at The Battery from 4-8pm. Adams will be debuting the Fall/Winter 2017 collection with a trunk show and fashion presentation at the private club. Attendance is by advance RSVP only, but you can book your space by emailing rsvp@crossmarketingpr.com.