The Best San Francisco Stylists for Asian Women’s Haircuts

Photo by gawrav/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by gawrav/iStock / Getty Images

Every hair type comes with its own set of quirks and complications. It’s not enough to hunt for a good stylist; you have to find a good stylist who excels at working with your hair.

The most common complaint I hear from Asian women—who tend to have thicker, coarser hair—is that it’s difficult to find a stylist who understands how to strategically thin out hair to create shape while leaving some of the volume.

Consider that problem solved.

After tons of texting, emailing, calling, and Insta-stalking women with amazing hair, I’ve rounded up—and mapped!—the best haircuts in San Francisco for Asian women. The next time you’re in need of someone new to tame your mane, these are folks to see about making the chop. And if you're looking for an easier way to book your hair appointment, a number of these stylists and salons are hooked up with Tru app. Check out all the choices, and the map, below.

beautyRobyn CainHaircut, TRU