Trap Yoga Is a Thing and We Need To Discuss It

Photo: Dogpatch Dance and Yoga

Photo: Dogpatch Dance and Yoga

Most yoga instructors in San Francisco play Tycho during class. Ritual Hot Yoga goes a little edgier with pop and EDM. Libby Murfey has been known to lead hip hop yoga. But trap yoga at Dogpatch Dance and Yoga (435 23rd Street, Suite 19) might be the best music match so far.

Studio owner Kafi Payne began toying with the idea of mixing trap and yoga about a year ago, and reconnected with Britteny Rogers—who now teaches the class—to discuss what that experience might be like. According to Payne, Rogers is the epitome of trap yoga. "She's the kind of person who would sneak headphones into yoga class to listen to trap while doing her asana." 

Feedback on the combo has been positive so far. "Our goal at the studio is for folks to find movement that brings them joy, and overwhelmingly our feedback from trap yoga classes is feeling joy, Payne explains. "There's a lot of laughter." 

Another surprise from the class? Diversity. "People are incredulous that so many people of color are doing yoga. We very much want people feeling like they're coming home," Payne adds.

Ready to try trap yoga? Book a class at Dogpatch Dance and Yoga's MindBody site ($15) or ClassPass. and wait for the beat to drop.