How Rumble Trainer Alvin Holden Knocks Out His Fitness Routine

Photo: TrappFotos for Rumble

Photo: TrappFotos for Rumble

For nearly a decade, Alvin Holden has been a fixture on San Francisco’s fitness scene. The self-described “lifestyle athlete” has worked with clients individually as a personal trainer, dominated group fitness at Barry’s Bootcamp, tested the best workouts in the Bay Area with Zenrez, and been named one of the top ten trainers in SF.

Over the better part of the last year, Holden’s killer workouts have been noticeably absent from the city while he’s been working in New York with Rumble, the celebrity-loved boutique boxing studio that’s all over the ‘gram. Today, Holden is officially back to training in the Bay Area as he opens the first Rumble in Northern California. (For more about the workout, check out the Rockyt Guide to Rumble.)

We caught up with Holden to learn more about his cross-training routine, (hello, Pilates!), rest days, and how he pays the swole toll.

Rockyt: What do you teach?

Alvin Holden: At the moment, I personal train and teach at Rumble Boxing exclusively.

Rockyt: How do you prepare for the classes you teach?

Alvin: I do lot of things when I prepare class. Without giving you the secret sauce, I think about the theme of the class, (body part, etc.), the vibe I’m feeling and the time of the day. I plan the class, do it myself, and make changes as I see necessary. Boom.

Rockyt: How do you cross train?

Alvin: Mostly however and wherever I can. It’s hard being in this business: every fitness professional I know struggles with finding the time to train themselves. I generally warm up with my clients while we train, and I squeeze in a couple hours for myself in between. Heavy weight training on my own and classes with as many of the local trainers and studios as I can.

Rockyt: What are your favorite studios for cross-training?

Alvin: Obviously Rumble classes and BodyRok is one of my favorites for core work and stability.

Photo: TrappFotos for Rumble

Photo: TrappFotos for Rumble

Rockyt: Are you training toward a particular fitness goal right now?

Alvin: Staying photo ready 24/7!

Rockyt: What's your training regimen?

Alvin: 5 to 10 Rumble classes per week

Rockyt: Do you take rest days?

Alvin: Absolutely.

Rockyt: What's your rest day like?

Alvin: Usually in full creator mode, making photos, editing video or exploring.

Rockyt: How did you become an instructor?

Alvin: I got out of the auto finance business in search of a more healthy lifestyle. Fitness seemed like a logical fit.

Rockyt: How long have you been teaching?

Alvin: Nine years.

Rockyt: What's the best thing about teaching at Rumble?

Alvin: Watching all the smiling faces leaving and the puddles of sweat that is left behind.

Rockyt: As an instructor, what are you known for?

Alvin: I believe I’m know for teaching a tough class, amazing playlists, and the overall flow of my classes. I like to create the most frictionless, effective, fun experience possible.

Catch Alvin’s classes at Rumble, 180 Sansome in the Financial District.

Photo: TrappFotos for Rumble

Photo: TrappFotos for Rumble