Fiat Lux Maker Competition Finds Beauty in 'Trash'

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I like jewelry that's a little weird, so I love Fiat Lux. The (now) Mission-based brand features an edited collection of around 30 different young makers from San Francisco and beyond. It's not just your standard rings and things; you can also browse massive necklaces, vintage sunglasses, goat hammers, and homemade knives. There's a broad range from dainty to subversive.

For the last four years, Fiat Lux has hosted a Maker's Competition in February, pitting some of their favorite designers against one another to create beautiful objects inspired by a common theme. The public votes for the best design, and everyone celebrates the winner at a pre-Valentine's Day party. In 2014, they made black diamond rings. In 2015, it was knives. Last year, designers focused on Memento Mori. This year the competition centers on trash. 

Digby & Iona, Claire Kinder, DMD Metal, Silverella, Daisy San Luis, and the in-house team at Fiat Lux all produced one-of-a-kind pieces—each valued at $2,000—for the 2017 contest. (You can see a few of the entries to the right and below.) The brand explains on its site, "We left the interpretation of that term fairly wide open for the seven participating makers, and the submissions are likewise crazy: from cocaine nails to orgies, even a glove, it’s tongue in cheek slash oddball collectibles bizarroworld this year."

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Voting is live until February 10 at 5 pm, and one lucky voter (or shopper) will win the winning design. To vote, head over to the Fiat Lux blog and select your favorite. (You'll need to submit your email address—which will subscribe you to their email list—to be entered into the raffle.) You can also win additional raffle entries by shopping at Fiat Lux between now and February 9. Spend $50 to $149 to score one extra raffle ticket, $150 to $399 for two, and $400 or more for three.

Whether you vote or shop or not, you're still invited to the competition celebration from 7–11pm on February 10 at the new store, (3169 16th Street). So check out the entries, vote, and join the party next Friday. You can even squeeze in your Valentine's Day shopping while you're there.

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