Now's the Time to Replenish Your American Apparel Faves

Photo via American Apparel

Photo via American Apparel

My first American Apparel item was a green Decemberists concert tee. For years, it was my lucky t-shirt. I doubt I'll ever part with it. Currently, my AmApp favorite is the tri-blend racer back tank. It's the closest thing I can find to an old Helmut Lang number that I wore until it was threadbare. But the American Apparel version, at $20, was a quarter of the price of my Helmut original. Last week, I replenished my stock, because it might be the last time I can.

American Apparel, as we know it, is not long for this world. Last week, a bankruptcy court approved GIldan Activewear's $88 million bid to buy the company's assets. SFGate reports that the brand's stores will be closing by the end of April. 

Currently, the American Apparel swan song means a 40 percent off sale, both in all three San Francisco stores—Haight Street, Union Street, and Grant Avenue—and online with the code TAKE40. While prices will likely drop even lower, you risk missing your faves entirely if you wait to shop.

So take a moment to remember all the times that American Apparel bailed you out of a hipster fashion dilemma or a costume quandary, and make a final nostalgic pass. If you need me, I'll be stockpiling racerback tanks.