5 Treatments To Revive Your Hands After All That Soap and Water
Soap and water and Clorox wipes are fantastic in fighting germs and gross stuff, but they’ll also leave your hands dry and cracking. If your hands have aged about 25 years in the last two weeks, thanks for doing your part to #flattenthecurve. But if you could really go for some moisturizer recs to keeps cracking skin at bay, we’re here for you. Below, we’ve assembled five Rockyt favorites—with links—arranged from shockingly-cheap to splurge-y, but worth it.
Eucerin Intensive Repair Lotion, $7.99
Is the best hand cream ever made also one of the cheapest? You better believe it. At less than $8 a bottle, you can keep one next to every sink in your home.
Patchology Heated Hand & Cuticle Mask, $10
When your hands need extra love, Patchology’s glove treatments are an inexpensive solution for pampering at home. “Using the same insulation technology as space blankets, it locks in your natural body heat to allow the coconut-infused formula inside to better penetrate the skin.” An easy complement to all your Netflix binge watching.
ElizabethW Vetiver Hand Lotion, $28
Hydration with a sensual, woody scent. San Francisco-based ElizabethW’s Vetiver is a Bay Area classic at a not-cheap, but not-quite-expensive price point.
Ahava Dead Sea Mineral Hand Cream, $29 for 2
Super hydrating, without being greasy. Formulated with Dead Sea water, Witch Hazel, and “21 essential minerals, including magnesium, calcium, and potassium.”
Cannuka Healing Skin Balm, $58
Cannuka’s balm is a fix-it for a plethora of skin problems. Dry skins, redness, blemishes, you name it. This formula is on the tackier side, so consider using it before bed to wake up with happier hands.
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