Is This What's Missing From Your Shelter-In-Place Workouts?

Photo by mr lee on Unsplash

Photo by mr lee on Unsplash

After a full week of the Bay Area’s shelter-in-place order, how are you feeling about your quarantine fitness routine? Even if you’ve never been motivated to exercise at home in the past, there are thousands of resources online right now for practically any kind of workout imaginable. But what those videos and live streams haven’t prepared you for is footwear in the age of coronavirus.

As we hunker down and collectively become germ warriors, the thought of wearing your outdoor sneakers for an indoor workout is probably unappealing. (If it already made you squeamish given the variety of misdeeds you encounter on Bay Area sidewalks, you’re not alone.) If you’re one of the lucky workers whose income hasn’t been interrupted by the pandemic, now’s the time to up your indoor footwear game.

Indoor footwear will mean different things to different people. If your feet are happy with barefoot workouts, keep it up! But if rugs and yoga mats aren’t enough shock absorption for your joints, we have a few suggestions. Click on any image below to shop.

Gripper Socks

Some people are making their floors as slippery as possible as a DIY alternative to the treadmill. For others, traction is the name of the game. (Have you tried standing on a Bosu barefoot? No, thanks.) Gripper socks or foot wraps are relatively cheap, when compared to sneakers, and can make home workouts feel more stable.

Bonus Sneakers

Gripper socks are sufficient for yoga, barre, or Pilates workouts, but you might need a more substantial shoe to take you through a home HIIT workout. Yes, it’s time to consider a bonus pair of indoor-only sneakers. The good news? You can always wash an old-but-still-usable pair of gym shoes for this purpose. But, if you’re in the habit of ditching your old shoes when you buy a new pair, think about buying a cheap pair of sneaks that you only wear to work out at home. Every option below is under $100.

Sneakers or socks, or just plain barefoot, movement can help you escape from the monotony of the coronavirus quarantines. Get up, get moving, and make your day a little bit brighter.

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